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The hook of a song is very much like the title of the song. It needs to be catchy, something that, even if the listener doesn't know the words right away, can hum and get stuck in their head. In fact, the chorus and the title go hand in hand because more often than not, the title of the song is in the chorus.


There are many different types of hooks that you can choose from. Some of which include:


1. Story / meaning

2. Deeper meaning

3. Evocation of emotion

4. Rhythmic Imagery


These different hooks can also be used in many different ways including:


1. Rhythm

2. Evocation of emotion

3. Repetition

4. Range / tone

5. Variation

Find a Hook

*Click on the image for more information*

Being on the road and away from my family gives me plenty of material to pull from.

-Elvio Fernandez


One of my favorite songs I've recently written is called "Star." It's about my wife being the real "rockstar" in our family for being able to take care of everything while I'm away. The hook is, "If my life is a movie, then baby you're the star." Hits me hard everytime I hear it.

-Elvio Fernandez


Disclaimer: This information is researched and compiled from many different websites. For links to those articles click on the indicated areas on the "Getting Started" and "Find a Hook" page.

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